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Wedding Flowers in Morton, IL

Our florists offer a wide selection of bridal
bouquets, wedding ceremony flowers and centerpieces. All our wedding flower arrangements are custom made to your specifications. Schedule a one-on-one appointment with one of our talented and experienced designers and contact us at 309-266-7525. A one-time, non-refundable, consultation fee of $50 will go towards your final total.


Roses, sunflowers, Asiatic lilies, gerbera daisies, peonies, stock, delphiniums, irises, calla lilies, lisianthus
Flowers for wedding in summer
wedding flowers for summer
wedding arrangement for summer


Roses, tulips, peonies, anemones, calla lilies, hyacinths, irises, daffodils, hydrangea, lily of the valley, sweet pea, delphinium
Spring wedding flower arrangement


Roses, tulips, hydrangea, amaryllis, lilies, orchids, stephanotis, ivy, evergreens


Roses, gerbera daisies, hydrangea, delphinium, amaryllis, carnations, viburnum, irises, narcissus, autumn leaves, pumpkins